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Garden Grants Available

Ellen C. Wells

The National Garden Bureau is once again promoting the healing powers of plant-human interactions by offering grant monies to therapeutic gardens. Along with corporate sponsors Sakata Seed America and American Meadows, NGB will offer a total of $5,000 to be split among three therapeutic gardens in North America (that means you, too, Canada and Mexico!).

As someone who’s been teaching gardening classes to folks living with mental illness, I know firsthand how gardening can benefit people, whether the person has a physical or mental issue impacting her life. Therapeutic gardens can take all forms—healing, enabling, rehabilitating and restorative—and they’re so very needed in our communities.

I also know firsthand that funding is desperately needed for these gardens. These three grants will provide money that goes a very long way! If you run a therapeutic garden or know of one in your community (perhaps a therapeutic garden is a customer of yours?), you can find out the eligibility requirements and then apply for the grants before the July 1 deadline at this website: GP

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