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New Biocontrol Solution for Retail

Ellen C. Wells
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I received a notice about a new product from Mycorrhizal Applications that your customers will want to know about. Magic Gardener is an OMRI-listed broad-spectrum biological fungicide and bactericide that can help gardeners control or suppress diseases in residential applications.

What makes Magic Gardener different from other biocontrols on the consumer market? “Magic Gardener boasts a completely new, and higher potency, strain of Bacillus amyloliquefaciens (PTA-4838),” said Blair Busenbark, Mycorrhizal Applications’ Sales & Commercial Marketing Manager in a press release. “This strain has extremely strong staying power and offers a higher level of performance—which many may find surprising for a biologically derived product.”

This naturally occurring soilborne Bacillus can control common consumer problems, such as downy mildew, leaf spot, gray mold, rusts, powdery mildew and many more. It can be used on a range of popular consumer plants, including ornamentals, fruits, veggies, herbs and turf. Four other key features of Magic Gardener for both consumers and retailers are its ease of use, its OMRI-listing, its two-year shelf life and its production right here in the USA.

If you’re interested in learning more, contact your local Mycorrhizal Applications sales representative or visit GP

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