Cool Products at IGC Show; Impact Washington

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Event highlights from GrowerTalks Magazine Green Profit Magazine

Thursday, August 15, 2019

IGC Show at McCormick Place
- Felt Birdhouses from dZi
- FoxFarm's Great Graphics
- Kreative Gardens' Root Orbs
Impact Washington Summit

IGC Show, New to McCormick Place

This year, the IGC Show made some changes, most notably a move from Chicago's Navy Pier south to McCormick Place. But what hadn’t changed was the displays of cool products that would be right at home in your garden center. Our team came out to walk the show and we discovered all sorts of things—from CBD products to felt birdhouses—even an animatronic deer that sang Christmas songs and rap music (the jury was out on that one, Chris and the two Jens thought he was cute, I thought he was a little unnerving).

Here are a few of my favorite products:

Felt Decor From dZi Handmade

These adorable little cacti are made of hand-felted wool, with a paper "pot" made of sustainably harvested Himalayan lokta paper over recycled paperboard. dZi (pronounced dzee) is a fair-trade company that works closely with their partners in India and Nepal to increase economic opportunities for the locals.

They also make felt birdhouses, the most popular being the Butterfly Garden Birdhouse. A new novelty is the Taco Truck Birdhouse. Super cute, right? Personally, if I were a bird, I would love to live in a taco truck.

If you’d like more info on their products, visit their website,

FoxFarm’s Great Graphics

Now, I know these have been around a while, but I love the attention-grabbing graphics on FoxFarm’s soil and fertilizer. With the eye-catching package designs and names like Strawberry Fields, Lucky Dog and Coco-Loco, you can’t help but take a second look. They always jump out at me and I’ll bet they’ll do the same to your garden center customers.

They’re not just cool to look at, they’re great for your plants. Strawberry Fields potting soil pumps up your blooms, fruits and berries (no word on if they’ll come up with top hats on), and Lucky Dog is great for rooted cuttings and young plant starts, as it’s a light, airy blend of peat moss and perlite, with soil microbes to enhance root efficiency.

For more info, check out

Root Orb Plant System from Kreative Gardens

For those tropical plant fans out there, we saw this cool product from Kreative Gardens of Miami. Their “Root Orb Plant System” takes the place of a traditional plant pot by weaving the plant’s roots into organic material. They say that this system helps plant owners sense when to water their plants, as they can both feel and see when the orb is dry.

The orb can last one to four years, depending on care, and can be planted in a pot or in the ground if the orb deteriorates. It has an earthy look that can be displayed in household accessories, such as baskets, statues, driftwood or dishes. This sounds like a great entry into houseplants, especially for beginners.

For more info, check out

AmericanHort Impact Washington Summit
9/16/2019 - 9/18/2019
Liaison Capitol Hill—Washington D.C.

I would remiss if I didn't remind you of this opportunity to get involved with industry advocacy. This AmericanHort summit gives you a chance to meet with members of Congress and their staff on the most pressing issues facing the horticulture industry.

Impact Washington is a two-day advocacy summit where participants will hear from elected leaders, their staff, and other policy experts on issues of great impact on green industry business success. Attendees will be able to share their experiences directly with policy makers, providing real-world context and influence to the decisions being made. And don't worry about knowing what to say and when to say it—the first day will include preparation for the Senate meetings.

You'll also hear from speakers such as Andrew Wheeler, Administrator at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and Daniel Garza, President of the LIBRE Initiative. 

If you can't make it, our own Jen Zurko will be there, and she'll bring you all the info you need to know in her "JZ on D.C." column in GrowerTalks.

Hope you enjoyed this edition of HortCalendar Highlights! Questions, comments, or have an event you'd like me to feature? Drop me a line at

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Allison Westbrook

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