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Cornell’s Floriculture Field Days

Jennifer Polanz

This item came too late to make it into our HortCalendar listing, so we’re including it here. Cornell’s annual Floriculture Field Day will be Tuesday, July 30, and will feature seminars from industry leaders in the morning and educational walkabouts in the afternoon.

Seminar topics this year include new plant development, powdery and downy mildews, and labor. Starting this year, the Cornell Annual Trials Program will be at the heart of the Cornell Botanic Gardens, with annual beds showing cultivars from Ameriseed, American Takii, Ball FloraPlant, Ball Ingenuity, Beekenkamp, PanAmerican Seed, Proven Winners and Selecta.

For more information on Cornell’s Floriculture Field Day and Annual Trials Program, please visit or GP

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