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AFE Gave Away Some $$

Ellen C. Wells
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I love writing headlines like that one because it means some valuable research or some deserving student is the recipient of an opportunity to contribute to and expand the field of horticulture. Makes you feel good, right?

Specifically, AFE (American Floral Endowment) recently gave funds through its Educational Grants programs. Thirteen organizations will receive funding this year, and through these monies, organizations, universities and industry groups will be able to support educational training, conference programming and industry resources. Who should we congratulate, then?

•  National Floriculture Forum Annual Meeting

•  Society of American Florists Annual Convention

•  E-Gro Alert and Webinars

•  Michigan State and North Carolina State—Nutrient Monitoring Portal

•  America In Bloom 2020 Symposium

•  Seed Your Future National Movement to Promote Horticulture

•  American Institute of Floral Designers—Bringing FFA to AIFD

•  The Collegiate Plant Initiative: Connecting College Students to Horticulture

•  Clemson University—STEM It Up Program

•  WUMFA Annual Convention

•  Great Lakes Floral Expo

•  American Society for Horticultural Sciences Education and Career Day

•  University of Florida—Greenhouse Training Online Course Development

AFE also awards funds to support floriculture research, scholarships (more than 25!), internships and grants. They’re doing the industry a tremendous service with lasting impact. Keep that money coming, AFE! And you, dear reader, are welcome to get in on the giving by making a contribution to support all that AFE does. Find out more about that at GP

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