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Spreading the Word About Indoor Health & Wellness

Ellen C. Wells

Mary Golden of the Green Plants for Green Buildings organization is doing an excellent job of connecting the importance of a healthy, plant-filled indoor environment to concerns about the spread of contagions and plants’ effects on mood. And thanks to the social platforms, she’s spreading the news far and wide.

Here are some of the biophilia-related articles that have been shared by GPGB recently, with a quote from each:

“What Makes an Office Building ‘Healthy’” from Harvard Business Review. “History tells us that buildings play a central role in the spread of disease. From measles to SARS to influenza and the common cold, the scientific literature is full of examples. But, as much as buildings can spread disease, if operated smartly, they can also help us fight against it. Amidst the chaos, one thing is clear: We will all go back to work with new expectations about the buildings where we live, learn, work and play.”

“Hospitals Are Bringing Nature Into Stressful COVID-19 ICUs” from Fast Company. “Mount Sinai Hospital’s Office of Wellness and Resiliency in New York partnered with the design firm Studio Elsewhere to develop ‘recharge rooms,’ spaces with natural design elements that help medical workers recover from a physically and mentally taxing shift.”

“Future of Open Office Will Focus on Health and Personalization” from “With $36.4 billion lost each year from employee absences, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the focus and awareness on health and how healthy environments contribute to wellbeing will continue to intensify.”

“Biophilic Hospital Design Offers Better Rehabilitation and Treatment” from “There’s lots of evidence that if you deprive stroke patients of a nice environment, they actually recover more slowly. What we call an enriched environment, with lots of stimulation and activity, stimulates the brain to form new connections.”

In a time when masks and hand sanitizer are heightening people’s awareness of their surroundings, biophilia will likely see a jump in interest and implementation. How are you preparing for that increase? And don’t forget to follow along with what Green Plants for Green Buildings posts on Facebook. GP

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