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Pets on the Payroll

Jennifer Polanz
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This tale (tail?) from Corso’s Horticulture, the wholesale perennial operation in Castalia, Ohio, is a great example of the positive impact pets have on the workplace. From Trial Manager Erin Bunting on this cutie, Calpurnia:

“Calpurnia is a calico kitten that showed up outside my greenhouse hungry, dirty, flea-infested and looking for a friend. She was skittish, but far from feral, and she trusted me enough to keep showing up every morning for food, ear scratches and tummy rubs. Once it became clear that ‘Callie’ was sticking around we got her spayed and ear-tipped (which is our protocol with “resident” strays) and got her the veterinary care she needed. After her spay surgery, Callie spent a couple of weeks rehabilitating in our air-conditioned office and she never left.

“Our company has an international year-long internship program with young people from as far away as Brazil, Tanzania, Colombia and Morocco. Calpurnia has been a source of comfort for many of the students who are far from home and missing their own pets. She’s everyone’s friend and a fearsome hunter, proudly bringing us trophies such as moles, frogs, birds, crickets and (usually legless) grasshoppers. She’s a gregarious little tomboy with big puppy energy and a huge appetite. We’re proud to have her as part of our whiskered workforce!”

Thanks, Erin! GP

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