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5 Reasons to Get Outside

Jennifer White
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Looking for content to share with consumers? How about inspiring them to get outside a little bit more.

Here are five reasons to get outside (gardens count) from the Children & Nature Network:

• Three months of therapeutic gardening activities helped reduce the severity of depression and increase the attentional capacity for patients with clinical depression.

• 143 scientific studies—with a combined population of more than 290 million people from 20 different countries—found that greenspace exposure is associated with numerous health benefits.

• 300 seconds (five minutes) spent viewing a natural setting results in positive changes in blood pressure, heart activity, muscle tension and brain
electrical activity.

• 20 minutes spent outside in nature can significantly reduce levels of cortisol, a stress hormone.

• Two hours in nature every week is proven to make you feel happier and healthier.

See the GreenTalks newsletter with links to these studies. GP

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