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New Endowment to Study Natives

Ellen C. Wells

American Beauties Native Plants has native research and education as part of its core mission—in addition to providing a great selection of native plant to IGCs and landscapers, of course. Now they’re putting money where their mission is by creating a $25,000 endowment to fund native plant research at the Horticultural Research Institute (HRI).

HRI, as you may know, is the research arm of AmericanHort. The ceremony to create this fund happened at MANTS in January with the initial commitment of $5,000 and the same annually for five years.

Says co-owner of American Beauties Steve Castorini, “American Beauties Native Plants is determined to make the public aware of the critical role native plants play in our lives, as well as the lives of the animals that depend on them. American Beauties Native Plants is working with nurseries to increase the awareness and availability of native plants in garden centers, home gardens and public landscapes throughout America.”

I believe the interest in natives is there, especially among younger families. It’s a matter of getting the plants out in front of them, either through media (social and traditional) or at the garden centers. Getting the key points of continued research is an important factor, as well. GP

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