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Turn Up the Flower Power

Jennifer Polanz
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Suntory Flowers is partnering with America In Bloom (AIB) to sponsor a social media photo contest with the winner receiving the Alive With Flowers—Sunbeam Social Media Award on October 1 at AIB’s symposium.

Anyone can enter and there’s no limit to the number of entries. Here’s what you have to do:

1.    Create a digital photo album showcasing how your town is “Alive With Flowers.” Include captions describing the pictures.

2.    Post it to your Facebook and/or Instagram accounts and tag the pages of Suntory Flowers and America In Bloom (,, or

3.    Deadline to enter is July 31.

4.    Finalists and winner will be announced Saturday, October 1 during the America In Bloom Symposium and Awards Celebration in St. Louis.

5.    In addition to the recognition, the winner will receive a prize of 210 21-cell Sun Parasol Mandevilla plants (10 trays!) to plant a tropical paradise in 2023.

In case you were wondering where the Sunbeam Social Media Award name came from, it’s named in honor of Suntory’s first yellow mandevilla, Sun Parasol Original Sunbeam. GP

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